Vertige (2012)
The story revolves around the character of Daphnée Roussel, who is in a coma for three months after falling from the rooftop of the skateboarding center Dédales. Her best friend Jennifer wonders if it really was a suicide attempt. Daphnée's brother Adrian's suggestion to take her off life support creates a shock wave in the family. His insistence to convince Gilles and Diana, his parents, and Maya, his sister, raises doubts about the purity of his intentions. Daphnée's former boyfriend, Laurent doesn't seem to be above suspicion either. In Daphnée's entourage, there are many the secrets.
Country: CA
Language: Fr
Runtime: 60
Season 1:
Daphne is in a coma after a fall. Her mother, best friend, and sister-in-law are patiently watching over her. But her brother and her ex-lover are in a hurry ...
Just as her family was about to unplug her, Daphnée opens her eyes. While some people want to understand, others fear that she'll remember too much.
Daphnée's loft has been robbed. While her family tries to decide who will take her in, Daphnée discovers something that rules out her suicide theory.
Daphnée's theory outrages Adrien. Determined to get to the bottom of it, she keeps searching. So many secrets...will Daphnée her cards right?
Daphnée is more certain than ever that her fall was provoked. Tristan looks into it and his findings corroborate Daphnée's dark premonition.
Tensions are running high in the family. Daphne is racking her brains trying to remember, but the important details elude her. How far will she go to discover the troubling truth?