The Courtyard (2017)
Aangan is story of a family which eats together, lives together, fights together, which has positive and negative both kind of members with full hilarious and serious characteristics. Mansha Pasha plays the role of the youngest daughter Zoya, who has alot of proposals over the year and is yet to be married. The three daughter in laws share a very typical kind of bond, leaving everything on Zoya. She looks after their kids and the kitchen as well. This makes Zoya against of marrying into a joint family.
- Humayun Saeed
- Shahzad Nasib
- Faiza Iftikhar
- Samina Humayun Saeed
- Qasim Ali Mureed
Country: PK
Language: Pa | Ur
Runtime: 40
Season 1:

This episode gives an introduction to the family. A lady has come to the family's home as she is considering wedding her son to Zoya. The matriarch and her daughters-in-law take pains to provide the impression that they all get along perfectly all the time, in order to convince the lady that Zoya, taking them as role models, will not in any way disrupt the peace in the lady's home, should she decide to wed her son to her. The women of the home fall to petty squabbling as soon as the lady departs, and hilarity ensues. It is revealed in a conversation between Zoya and Shaina that this is the 12oth time someone has come for Zoya's rishta. All who have come previously have ultimately deemed her unsuitable as a prospective daughter-in-law.