Flash Gordon (1954)
Flash Gordon is a science fiction television series based on the characters of the Alex Raymond-created comic strip of the same name. Diverging from the storyline of the comics, the series set Flash, Dale Arden and Dr. Zarkov in the year 3203. As agents of the Galactic Bureau of Investigation, the team travels the galaxy in their ship the Sky Flash, battling cosmic villains under the order of Commander Paul Richards. The series was filmed in West Berlin and Marseille as a West German, French and American co-production by Intercontinental Television Films and Telediffusion. The series aired in syndication throughout most of the U.S. but also aired on the east coast on the DuMont Television Network. The series proved popular with American audiences and critical response, though sparse, was positive. Flash Gordon has garnered little modern critical attention. What little there is generally dismisses the series, although there has been some critical thought devoted to its presentation of Cold War and capitalist themes.
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 25
Season 1:
The Galactic Bureau of Investigation. This episode is about a planet ran by AKIM THE TERRIBLE, where it is a crime to help old or sick people who are being robbed.
In this episode, Flash Gordon and Dale Arden track down some mean space pirates and save Prospector Pete and beautiful daughter when the robbers come to steal Pete's huge precious stone.
There is to be a vote on Mars to decided if the Galaxy Bureau of Investigation will continue. Flash, Dale and Zarkov have a stake in this because they work for the G.B.I. Flash must get Commander Richards to Mars on Time. Will they make it?
Continued from last episode where Zarkov and Commander Richards are caught destroying the atmosphere of Neptune. Flash and Dale replace the machine that returns the breathable atmosphere to Neptune. Zydereen teleports Zarkov and Richards to Saturn where she starts drainng their knowledge and memories. Flash and Dale arrive but are too late to help their friend and Zydereen escapes.
Flash Gordon pits himself against the mad witch, who is again trying to completely dominate the universe.
Dr. Zarkov receives a call from an old friend on planet Zeta N1. He needs Zarkov to bring him some serum. When Zarkov gets there he finds his friend is dead and he is captured. Flash and Dale come to rescue Zarkov and are also captured. They all just barely escape with their lives.
Flash, Dale and Zarkov have to go back in time to the 1950s to stop a bomb that is destroying planets in their time. They are chased through West Berlin showing post World War II Berlin. Can they find and destroy the bomb before it goes off at noon?