Stella and Sam (2011)
Stella and Sam is a preschool television series based on the Canadian book series "Stella" and "Sam" by Marie-Louise Gay and published by Groundwood Books Inc. The second season of the series is currently in production with Radical Sheep Productions and Family Channel. The French-language version of the show Stella et Sacha premiered on Playhouse Disney Tele on Sunday, October 3, 2010 while the English-language version of the series will premiere on Playhouse Disney on Sunday, January 9, 2011. The show's theme music is performed by singer Emilie Mover.
- Marie-Louise Gay
Country: CA
Language: En
Runtime: 24
Season 2:
Stella, Sam and Owen become birds of a feather in search of warm weather.
A backyard campout becomes a space trip to meet the man in the moon.
Stella and Sam organize a surprise party for their favourite dog.
Sam goes on scarecrow duty to stand guard over a pumpkin patch.
The kids build a theme park for dogs in hopes of entertaining Fred.
Stella becomes a spider, creating a game that's bigger than the backyard.
An unexpected thunderstorm changes the kids' picnic plans.
Stella, Ivy and Sam grow dragon wings, to fly with the dragonflies.
Fred hides from thunderstorms in a place that gives Sam the creeps.
Sam's striped sock disappears right out from under his nose.
Ivy's recent trip to Australia inspires Stella and Sam to journey there too.
Sam learns what Stella was like before she grew up to be his big sister.
Stella and her buccaneers sail the high seas aboard a hay wagon pirate ship.
Sam can't wait for spring so he can plant his flower seeds.
Stella and Sam help a kite that dreams of flying to the ocean.
The kids become cowboys and roundup a herd of runaway chickens.
A sea dragon tries to squash Stella and Sam's awesome sandcastle.
Owen's canine companion challenges Fred's status as top dog.
A lucky Egyptian jewel turns around Sam's day of messy mishaps.
Stella, Sam and Owen become castaways in the middle of the meadow.
Stella, Sam and Owen travel back in time to go on a dinosaur adventure.