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Team Muhafiz (2022)
“Team Muhafiz” is an animated series, produced by ISPR and Geo Productions in association with AZ Corp. The story of Team Muhafiz revolves around normal human beings with no superpowers and animated thriller. The story will highlight the social issues, particularly the good and bad things in our society. The topics highlighted by “Team Myhafiz” are extortion, street crime, drug abuse, human trafficking, timber mafia, child labour and a lot more.
- Imran Azhar
Release Date:
Sat, Jun 25, 2022
Country: PK
Language: Ur
Country: PK
Language: Ur
Adeel Khaan
Badshah Khan
Sajal Ali
Ahsan Khan
Havaldar Farman
Nayyar Ejaz
Dananeer Mobeen
Shafaat Ali
Wahaj Ali
Nimra Rafiq
Season 1:
The most anticipated homegrown animated series of Pakistan has hit the screens with its 1st Episode: 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶 (پرچی).
‘𝗭𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗿’ features Team Muhafiz taking on a new mission, as they save the youth from an otherwise inevitable downfall. Watch them win hearts of the community by busting a mafia of drug barons. But danger awaits; do they need to watch their back?
Super natural forces, or evil humanity at work? While trying to do their part in saving the planet, Team Muhafiz faces blowback, as they finally come face to face with the enemy lurking around the corner. Have the tables turned, or will they live up to the challenge?
Team Muhafiz is on the case uncovering clues to the menace of bribery. But they face backlash as the enemy strikes back. Will TM manage to counter Rawka’s nefarious plans?
Tensions rise for Team Muhafiz as the final hockey match seems like the perfect opportunity for Rawka to strike. Will Parinaz be able to bring the trophy home? Or will Rawka’s plan succeed in destroying the peace...