Silver Spoons (1982)
Silver Spoons is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 25, 1982 to May 11, 1986 and in first-run syndication from September 15, 1986 to March 4, 1987. The series was produced by Embassy Television for the first four seasons, until Embassy Communications moved the series to syndication. Silver Spoons was created by Martin Cohan, Howard Leeds and Ben Starr. The show's title refers to family wealth and to the expression that rich children are born with "silver spoons" in their mouths—they are given only the very best and want for nothing.
- Ben Starr
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 22
Season 5:
Rick takes a job at shoe store, only to become a victim of nepotism when he loses a promotion to his employer's nephew.
When Rick thinks that he has no privacy,he moves into the guest house. But Ricks friends think they could use it for parties.
Rick tutors a star football player, who must pass a history test in order to play for the championship. Edward gets the flu, and is getting on Rick and Kate's nerves.
Rick agrees to care for a boa constrictor, which soon becomes an uninvited guest at Kate's business dinner.
Rick, Brad, Alfonzo & two others form a band getting ready for the Battle of the Bands. However, Brad & Alfonzo fight over issues & that Alfonzo invites his new girlfriend (Kiki) to rehearsal. Rick tries to convince Alfonzo to rejoin the band.
Rick's basketball idol is arrested for possession of narcotics.
Grandfather Stratton returns home from a trip to Paris--with a young fiancee.
Edward loses his wallet while playing pool. But when he calls Rick for help, Rick believes it to be an April Fool's joke.