Detective in the House (1985)
Detective in the House is an American detective drama series that aired on CBS on Friday nights from March 15, 1985 to April 19, 1985.
Release Date:
Fri, Mar 15, 1985
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 60
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 60
Season 1:
Press (Judd Hirsch) unwittingly helps a man track down the woman he intends to murder.
A rubber magnate rejects Press's hunch that his favorite son wants him dead.
Press joins a football team to learn why a sleazy tabloid is attempting to soil the reputation of the team's straight-arrow quarterback.
Press (Judd Hirsch) poses as a trivia-question writer, in pursuit of a board-game executive selling company secrets.
A man after his sister's inheritance plans to stop her wedding with a gun.
A psychiatrist disappears and his desperate parents hire Press (Judd Hirsch) to track him down.