Blondie (1968)
Blondie is an American sitcom that aired on CBS during the 1968-1969 television season. The series is an updated version of the 1957 TV series that was based on the comic strip of the same name. The series stars Will Hutchins as Dagwood Bumstead and Jim Backus as his boss Mr. Dithers, and featured child character actress Pamelyn Ferdin as the Bumstead's daughter, and character actor Bryan O'Byrne as the hapless mailman, always getting run over by Dagwood hurrying out the door, late for work.
- Chic Young
- Gary Belkin
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 30
Season 1:
When Mr. Dithers takes credit for Dagwood's architectural plans for a millionaire, Dagwood's suspicions make Blondie suspect her husband is unfaithful.
Pick On a Bully Your Own Size is a 1969 television episode directed by Peter Baldwin.