
poster of Popeye the Sailor
Rating: 7.1/10 by 368 users

Popeye the Sailor (1960)

Follows the adventures of the famed spinach-eating sailor man. Popeye is one of the most popular cartoon characters of all time. This spunky but loveable spinach-eating sailor continues to delight young and old with his comic adventures, and the entire gang is around to provide plenty of rousing fun and action: Olive Oyl, Swee'Pea, Wimpy and Bluto.

Release Date: Fri, Jun 10, 1960

Country: US
Language: En | Pt | Es
Runtime: 5

Jack Mercer
Popeye (voice)
Mae Questel
Olive Oyl (voice)
Jackson Beck
Brutus (voice)

Season 2:

Oil's Well That Ends Well
Episode 1: Oil's Well That Ends Well (Jan 04, 1961)
Brutus swindles Olive Oyl out of her game show winnings with a worthless oil well. It's up to Popeye to grease the path towards a happy ending.
Amusement Park
Episode 2: Amusement Park (Jan 07, 1961)
Popeye and Olive stop by Brutus's Garage after running out of gas. But Brutus sabotages Popeye's car and steals away Olive.
Motor Knocks
Episode 3: Motor Knocks (Jan 10, 1961)
Popeye and Olive stop by Brutus's Garage after running out of gas. But Brutus sabotages Popeye's car and steals away Olive.
Duel to the Finish
Episode 4: Duel to the Finish (Jan 12, 1961)
Brutus kidnaps swee'pee and sells him to an amusement park freak-show.
Gem Jam
Episode 5: Gem Jam (Jan 14, 1961)
In India, the Sea Hag hypnotizes Olive into stealing the sacred emerald from the crown of a jade idol, which puts a curse on the unwitting thief.
The Bathing Beasts
Episode 6: The Bathing Beasts (Jan 29, 1961)
Olive's new car attracts the attention of Popeye and Brutus, an argument breaks out over who will sit in the front seat, to settle things Olive suggests they enter a strong-man contest and the winner sits in the front.
The Rain Breaker
Episode 7: The Rain Breaker (Feb 03, 1961)
Popeye meets Thor The God of Thunder and must save a fair maiden trapped high in ye olde castle.
Messin' Up the Mississippi
Episode 8: Messin' Up the Mississippi (Mar 23, 1961)
Popeye becomes the headline attraction on a show-boat, Brutus as always, is jealous of his fame.
Love Birds
Episode 9: Love Birds (Mar 31, 1961)
Popeye buys Olive's lovebird a boyfriend. The two lovebirds, named Romeo and Juliet, quarrel and Romeo flies away. Olive demands that Popeye bring him back.
Sea Serpent
Episode 10: Sea Serpent (Apr 03, 1961)
Olive doesn't have time to be with Popeye. When she meets a man who knows about a Sea Serpent, Popeye is incredulous and finds evidence that he is a fake
Boardering on Trouble
Episode 11: Boardering on Trouble (Apr 14, 1961)
Popeye and Brutus are owners of a nightclub and restaurant, a fight breaks out between them when their guest, Miss Oyl, can't decide on spending her night at dinner or watching a show.
Aladdin's Lamp
Episode 12: Aladdin's Lamp (Apr 29, 1961)
Popeye chases down the Sea Hag in order to take back the magic lamp she stole from Olive.
Butler Up
Episode 13: Butler Up (May 02, 1961)
An old school friend of Olive Oyl's turns up for dinner, to impress him Olive asks Popeye to be her butler.
The Leprechaun
Episode 14: The Leprechaun (May 05, 1961)
The Sea Hag steals a leprechaun's gold, the leprechaun turns to Popeye for help.
County Fair
Episode 15: County Fair (May 05, 1961)
Popeye and Brutus are farmers who enter a county fair contest to see who's the best.
Hamburgers Aweigh
Episode 16: Hamburgers Aweigh (May 10, 1961)
Wimpy hears that Popeye has a cargo of Hamburgers, he offers to help protect them.
Popeye's Double Trouble
Episode 17: Popeye's Double Trouble (May 28, 1961)
The Sea Hag tries to curse Popeye with bad luck, But accidently gives him three wishes instead.
Kiddie Kapers
Episode 18: Kiddie Kapers (Jun 03, 1961)
Brutus goes to see the Sea Hag in the hopes that she will make him a youth potion to impress Olive. The potion changes his whole appearance and everything goes to plan until Olive finds out who he really is.
The Mark of Zero
Episode 19: The Mark of Zero (Jun 03, 1961)
Popeye tells Olive's niece the story of the Mark of Zero, starring himself as the good guy and Brutus as the villain.
Myskery Melody
Episode 20: Myskery Melody (Jun 03, 1961)
Poopdeck Pappy is suddenly frightened of a mysterious flute melody that wafts through the air. At first Popeye and Olive cannot hear the haunting melody, but Pappy tells them about when he was attracted to a young woman, a jewel of the sea, who tried to seduce him but turned out to be Wicked Seahag in disguise.
Scairdy Cat
Episode 21: Scairdy Cat (Jun 04, 1961)
Popeye drinks a potion which turns him into a coward, Brutus tries to take his place as Olive Oyl's date and Popeye finally manages to get hold of some spinach which gives him back his bravery.
Operation Ice-Tickle
Episode 22: Operation Ice-Tickle (Jun 05, 1961)
Olive tells Popeye and Brutus she'll go out with the first one who brings her back the North Pole -- which turns out to be an actual pole with red and white stripes.
The Cure
Episode 23: The Cure (Jun 06, 1961)
Wimpy realizes he has a problem with hamburgers, Popeye helps him to contact Hamburger Anonymous. Meanwhile the SeaHag realizes her burger bar is missing it's best customer and takes steps to ruin Wimpy's attempts to break his addiction.
William Won't Tell
Episode 24: William Won't Tell (Jun 10, 1961)
It's 1813, King Brutus and Maiden Olive Oyl become jealous when Popeye rescues The Queen and fixes her broken carriage.
Pop Goes the Whistle
Episode 25: Pop Goes the Whistle (Jul 10, 1961)
Swee' Pea's favorite toy has lost its whistle and Popeye runs all over town trying to find it.
Autographically Yours
Episode 26: Autographically Yours (Jul 11, 1961)
Brutus is jealous of Popeyes fame.
A Poil for Olive Oyl
Episode 27: A Poil for Olive Oyl (Sep 11, 1961)
It's Olive Oyl's birthday. When Popeye asks her what she would like as a present, she chooses a pearl necklace. However, Popeye decides that the stores charge too much for them, and he tries to make his own by diving into the deep blue sea for his own pearls... but the Sea Hag claims that the pearls belong to her!
My Fair Olive
Episode 28: My Fair Olive (Sep 11, 1961)
Popeye and Olive are on a date at the local museum and see knights on exhibit. The curator (Brutus) and Ms. Oyl fall for one another. When Brutus butts in and he and Popeye start to fight over Olive, she suggests that they have a jousting tournament to settle their argument.
Giddy Gold
Episode 29: Giddy Gold (Sep 12, 1961)
Popeye (The Sailor) and Olive (Oyl) discover an old sealed mine full of diamonds. Olive takes some of them and they must face many traps and dangers to exit the cave.
Strange Things Are Happening
Episode 30: Strange Things Are Happening (Sep 12, 1961)
Popeye has a very strange day, The Sea Hag tries to kidnap him, Wimpy offers to buy him lunch and then he sees Olive going to the movies with Brutus.
The Medicine Man
Episode 31: The Medicine Man (Sep 12, 1961)
Olive begs Dr. Quack, aka Brutus, to cure Popeye's hiccups. But Dr. Quack wants Popeye's Spinach Health Juice off the market and Olive in his clutches.
A Mite of Trouble
Episode 32: A Mite of Trouble (Sep 15, 1961)
The Sea Hag tries to steal Popeyes treasure map treasure map by dressing a dwarf up as Swee'pea.
Who's Kidding Zoo
Episode 33: Who's Kidding Zoo (Sep 15, 1961)
Popeye and Brutus apply for the same part-time zoo keeper job.
Robot Popeye
Episode 34: Robot Popeye (Sep 15, 1961)
Brutus buys a Popeye robot to cause friction between Popeye and Olive.
Sneaking Peeking
Episode 35: Sneaking Peeking (Sep 16, 1961)
Christmas Eve is here, with Popeye and Olive Oyl trying to stop Swee'pea from peeking into the Christmas presents. Popeye tells him a fable; something like Pandora's Box. Will Swee'pea learn?
Seer-ring Is Believer-ring
Episode 36: Seer-ring Is Believer-ring (Sep 16, 1961)
Olive Oyl buys a ring that allows her to see the immediate future; but it really belongs to Evil Eye, a red-bearded foreign hypnotist with supernatural powers.
The Wiffle Bird's Revenge
Episode 37: The Wiffle Bird's Revenge (Sep 16, 1961)
The Wiffle bird casts a spell over Wimpy that changes him into a werewolf whenever he says the word "hamburger".
Going... Boing... Gone
Episode 38: Going... Boing... Gone (Sep 17, 1961)
Wimpy tricks Brutus into buying him some hamburgers, Brutus gets angry and Wimpy decides to use vanishing cream to hide from him.
Popeye Thumb
Episode 39: Popeye Thumb (Sep 17, 1961)
Popeye tells Swee' Pea the story of "Popeye Thumb".
The Billionaire
Episode 40: The Billionaire (Sep 17, 1961)
Billionaire Popeye gives a million dollars to each of his friends to see who will spend the money the wisest way. When they squander all their money and ask for more, Popeye decides to give all the rest of his money to the Poor Sailor Fund.
Model Muddle
Episode 41: Model Muddle (Sep 18, 1961)
After visiting the national art museum Popeye decides to try his hand at a bit of modern sculpture.
Which Is Witch
Episode 42: Which Is Witch (Sep 18, 1961)
The Sea Hag hatches a plot to kidnap Popeye. She replaces Olive with a robot replica programmed to bring him to her Island.
Disguise the Limit
Episode 43: Disguise the Limit (Sep 18, 1961)
Popeye the Detective is called on to find a gorilla that has just escaped from the Zoo. He an Olive devise a plan to re-capture the gorilla which involves Popeye disguising himself as a female gorilla and luring it back into it enclosure.
Spoil Sport
Episode 44: Spoil Sport (Sep 19, 1961)
Popeye has got himself a scooter, Olive Snubs him for Brutus and his fast, shiny, new, fast sports car. The ride turns out to be far too fast and dangerous for Olive and it's not long before she is in need of help from Popeye.
Have Time Will Travel
Episode 45: Have Time Will Travel (Sep 19, 1961)
Popeye, who is presumably bored of living in the 1960, decides to build Olive a time machine, luckily the dinosaur populated prehistoric time they visit has plenty of spinach.
Weight for Me
Episode 46: Weight for Me (Sep 22, 1961)
Popeye and Brutus return from six months at sea to find that Olive has gotten fat. Brutus indulges Olive's lust for food, while Popeye tries to force her to exercise.
Partial Post
Episode 47: Partial Post (Jan 22, 1962)
Popeye accidentally posts Olive Oyl's birthdays cards into a recently landed spaceship, thinking it to be a mailbox.
Canine Caprice
Episode 48: Canine Caprice (Mar 22, 1962)
Popeye buys Olive Oyl a talking dog, the dog, named Roger, tells Popeye that Olive Oyl has been seeing another man.
Intellectual Interlude
Episode 49: Intellectual Interlude (May 19, 1962)
Popeye eats some "intellectual spinach" given to him by a professor at an adult education class.
Episode 50: Roger (Feb 02, 1963)
Roger, the talking dog, discovers a plot to rob a jewelry store but he is unable to get the police to understand him.
Tooth Be or Not Tooth Be
Episode 51: Tooth Be or Not Tooth Be (Apr 23, 1963)
Swee' Pea is cutting a tooth, PoopDeck Pappy decides to give Swee' Pea a lesson in dental hygiene and tells him a story of what happened to him when he entered a "teeth" contest.
Episode 52
Episode 52: Episode 52 (Apr 25, 1963)
Episode 53
Episode 53: Episode 53 (Apr 26, 1963)
Episode 54
Episode 54: Episode 54 (Apr 27, 1963)
Episode 55
Episode 55: Episode 55 (Apr 28, 1963)
Episode 56
Episode 56: Episode 56 (Apr 29, 1963)
Episode 57
Episode 57: Episode 57 (Apr 30, 1963)
Episode 58
Episode 58: Episode 58 (May 02, 1963)
Episode 59
Episode 59: Episode 59 (May 03, 1963)
Episode 60
Episode 60: Episode 60 (May 04, 1963)
Episode 61
Episode 61: Episode 61 (May 05, 1963)

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