Urban Angel (1991)
Urban Angel is a Canadian television drama series, which aired on CBC Television from 1991 to 1993. Based on the memoirs of real-life Canadian journalist Victor Malarek, the show starred Louis Ferreira as Victor Torres, a crusading journalist for the Montreal Tribune. The series aired in the United States as part of CBS's late-night Crimetime After Primetime line up. The show's cast also included Vittorio Rossi, Dorothée Berryman, Vlasta Vrana, Ellen David, Dean Marshall, Michael Rudder, Macha Grenon and Sophie Lorain.
Country: CA
Language: En
Runtime: 60
Season 1:
The plight of a teenage runaway accused of murder hits home with Victor (Justin Louis). Angele: Anne-Sophie Goulet. Mr. Collins: Mark Walker Bonshor.
Victor partners with a rookie policeman to catch a cop killer. Cesar: Nicolas LaMorgia. The Voice: Andreas Aspergis. Nina: Lynne Adams. Victor: Justin Louis.